Monday, March 31, 2014

The Things We Miss

Food. Unlimited access to a cafeteria open twelve hours a day, $100 at a snack counter, and piles of sweets from care packages - but I still wish I could open up a fridge and heat up leftovers. I miss home cooked food, challenging food, umami food, real food.

Math. I prepared for college math, and let out a whoop of excitement when I found out my requirement was filled without taking any classes. After two semesters of high school calculus and a grueling AP test, you'd think I'd have had my fill. Nope. I miss math. I'm resigned to living vicariously through my math major friend.

Church. You can tell my situation is unusual as soon as you find out that I did not attend church with my parents after 10th grade. The search for my own community lead me to my own congregation, one that I attended joyfully and that helped me to grow. Leaving it was hard. Searching for a replacement at my new home was harder. Realizing that I'm never going to find one like it is really hard.

Trust. This is the most difficult in recent months. Don't get me wrong, I've made some wonderful friendships here at college, ones that I am confident will last for quite some time. Still, the fast connection that comes from unlimited time together and new experiences in common cannot replace the solidity of years spent walking together. The trust will come, that I am confident in. It just takes time, and that leaves me at least two hours away from trust, for now.

I am thankful that I miss these things. I am glad that I will always remember why knowing how to cook well is important. I am grateful for a well-rounded education that made me love more disciplines than I can study. I am happy for the time I had to be nurtured in a loving church family. I am overjoyed for the trusts I have, and those that are being built.

I am thankful that I have been given the gift of distance, so that I can look back and realize value of what I love.

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