Thursday, February 27, 2014


I am broken.

You are broken.

We are all broken.

But who will admit it first?

We build elaborate facades to cover and explain the cracks. We stuff, we bury, don't tell, we do anything to keep the intricate secret that we don't have it all together. No, I'm not depressed, I don't need help, I don't have anxiety, I don't deal with a rough past, I'm not confused or disappointed or afraid, I don't cry, I don't feel. 

Somewhere in the wall of nice outfits, fake smiles, and good grades we lose our humanity. Because let's be real, despite each of our panicked attempts to hide it, we are all broken. We all have demons lurking in the shadows. Life is hard. There are so many jagged edges, dark woods, and patches of quicksand that none of us makes it through unscathed. We all know that.

But we still are scared out of our minds that someone will find out....what? That we are just like everyone else?

And it doesn't just hurt us, it makes it that much harder for anyone else to own up to their struggles. Oh no! I'm the only one who hasn't gotten it right, what is wrong with me?! Facing demons is hard. Facing them alone is nearly impossible.

So this is what I ask: When someone tells you about their demons, don't put on a mask of sympathy. Don't swallow your own scars. Don't try to fix it all. Instead, just...


Because being broken alone only leads to pain - but being broken together leads to healing.


  1. This matches up well with many of my thoughts lately. <3

  2. fig the goes the story
