Saturday, December 7, 2013

Mission Statement

As part of a transitions course for first years, we recently developed our own mission statement. Here is mine:

            I am Mariah Grasse Martin, a woman in progress, and I will be for my entire life. I am strong, determined, worthy; a hugger, a learner, a traveler. I believe in a good God. I believe in love. I believe in life.

            To grow in such a way that others see God through me and are brought to a fuller life because of it.
            I will do this by searching for the piece of God in each person, and loving that piece in the best way I can. I will strive to see the needs of others and fill them to the best of my ability. I will listen to other’s stories and share my own. I will attempt to live fully in each moment, making sure that all I do is done with the zeal of one who was made by and awesome God.

            I hope to be a compassionate person. One who can be relied upon for comfort, for a good listening ear, a hug, a favor – whether you are family, friend, classmate, colleague, or simply someone in need.
            I hope to be an educated person. One who is aware of what is going on the world, who is well-read and academically excellent, who is always eager to learn more.
            I hope to be an adventurous person. One who is eager to see the world and all its treasures, who isn’t afraid to meet the unknown, who will grasp opportunities as they come.
            Amidst all this, I hope to be a grounded person. One who knows that her ultimate allegiance is to God, that he loves her and all His children, and that He will never abandon nor forsake us. I hope to always be comfortable with the idea that I know and understand very little.

I value…
            the tension it takes to have a real faith
            the discipline of hard work
            the strive for the unknown
            meaningful conversation
the energy of laugher
            relationship – with God, nature, others, and ourselves

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