Thursday, February 28, 2013

Me too.

"Me too."

And suddenly, there is a flicker at the end of what you thought was an endless tunnel. If she made it, so can I. A light is ignited.

How can two tiny words be so powerful? Why does that phrase say more than any motivational speech or sermon?

Empathy. It is one thing to hear someone's troubles, and something inexplicably different to have experienced them. While a listening ear is a powerful support, a knowing heart is a lifeline from God. On one end, we share our story, and on the other we receive a gift of hope, because knowing you are not alone lets you fight the present battle with that much more resiliency.

As part of an anti-bullying campaign, our school had us fill out surveys that informed us whether or not we needed to work on our empathizing skills. Really? Empathy is not something to be built, it draws from your past. It comes to us without our consent - a bitter, revolting, painful thorn when we receive it, but a sweet, saving, beautiful gift when we can finally share it with someone else in those two breathtaking words: Me too. 

I was there too. I have borne that cross. I have climbed that staggering mountain. I have faced those jeering demons. I have waited those unending hours. I have screamed in that pain. Me too. And I made it beyond that.

You will too.

*inspiration credit - another awesome pastor and another great sermon.

1 comment:

  1. The freedom to be real, and to admit "me too" is a gift to the one who hears it and to the one who says it.
