Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Started This Against My Will

I didn't want to start a blog. I had no intention of doing it. Sure, I might have thought about it, and yeah, it makes sense for someone who enjoys writing like I do, but I didn't have time. Plus, the thought of people reading my ponderings and judging what I wrote and maybe not liking it was too scary. So, I didn't start a blog.

Along came senior year, and with it the thought that I better quick take the classes I want before I go to college and things get serious. Creative Writing? Why not?! I'm good at writing, I like it! Lets do it! Little did I know that one of our assignments was to start our own blog. So much for "it's too scary" - the alternative of a whopping zero was much scarier.

I think taking this class was one of the best decisions I made this year. It blocks out a time and says Remember all those ideas skittering across your mind that you never take time to put on paper? Write 'em! It made me start this blog, which I now love adding to (and which people actually like!). It made me conquer my fear of my writing being critiqued. It made me imagine stories. It made me try all kinds of new things, like Diamante Poems:

intense, dedicated
unswerving, uncompromising, enduring
spirit, journey, growth, identity
accepting, serving, loving
humble, selfless

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