Monday, October 10, 2016

Act IV: The End of the Beginning

It still blows my mind to think that this is my last year of undergraduate school. The past three years seem to have flown by, yet I feel miles ahead of the eager freshman I was in 2013. I guess that's the whole point of college.

When I started this journey, I was convinced that I'd never want to be done with college. I remember an excited conversation with a fellow extrovert in which we decided that between the freedom of managing our own days and the constant availability of people to hang out with, extroverts were made for college. However, contrary to my expectations, I have reached a point where I'm okay with college ending. More accurately, I'm okay with nursing school ending, as it is on the verge of becoming soul-sucking, and I want to just BE a nurse.

Regardless of all this, there is one year left, and I want to live it well. So here we are at the final installment of "my goals for this year":

1) Be present.

Don't wish away these two semesters, no matter how weary I grow of studying. Be where my feet are.

2) Connect beyond graduation.

Weave pieces into my life that won't evaporate as soon as I toss my cap and call it a wrap. This looking forward while being planted in the here and now will require balance, but don't many important parts of life reside in the tension between two good things?

3) Eat well.

Form habits that will stay, so when I'm in a rush or out of my routine I will still care for my body. If nursing school has taught me nothing else, I know that what you put in your body determines how well and long it will work for you.

4) Listen/watch/read the news.

Being in a college bubble may not be a valid excuse for obliviousness, but it happens to be my excuse. I am putting aside this excuse in order to be a more involved and aware citizen of this earth and with the idea that this awareness will draw me towards needs that I can care for.

So there you have it: the goals of senior year.

photo credit: Hannah Daley and the three other beautiful women and I get to share a house with this year: Leona Good, Maddie List, and Abbie Luther :)

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