Monday, December 29, 2014

10 Things That I Know To Be True

1) Even though it defies logic, I'd rather be hot than cold.

2) "Time moves faster the older you get" was not some crazy idea made up by an old dude with a time machine. It's true.

3) I hate confinement.

4) I'm an extrovert, and that's okay.

5) Every now and then, I need an introvert day.

6) Timing is rarely what we think it should be.

7) Grace is freeing.

8) In two weeks, I will be in the Middle East. For an entire semester. This is insanely exciting, slightly intimidating, and sort of unbelievable.

9) What I understand about God, compared to all He is, is about the same as zero compared to infinity. And that's ok. Trying to make my zero a bit bigger is what a faith journey is about.

10) I'm pretty darn excited about life

photo credit: Bethany Hench

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