Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I Like Honeydew: 10 Ways I Have Changed In College

1) I decided at some point in my childhood that honeydew was yucky, and I hadn't tried it until I came across it in the cafeteria. Now I eat it about three times a week. I think it's better than cantaloupe.

2) I don't care nearly as much what people think. Maybe it's getting away from home, maybe it was a summer of growth, maybe it's a rebellious thing - whatever it is, I am thankful. Life is so much easier when you're not trying to please everyone around you.

3) I dance. As a study a break or weekend hang out, I get my groove on. This is attached to number two, because even though I don't know what I'm doing, I could care less, cuz it's FUN!

4) Also related to number two, I wear much less makeup. There are many more days where I wear none, and when I do take the time to put it on, I use it sparingly. Sweatpants also make a more frequent appearance.

5) I study. High school allowed me to pass tests by listening in class, but here I have to work for my grades. This means I had to teach myself how to study, and I think I did a pretty good job.

6) My sleep schedule is wacked out big time. I used to think I needed a solid eight hours to be personable, but I've found that that is not the case. Don't worry, I'm getting enough sleep - just not at the conventional times ;)

7) I make time for conversation. Its not just a nice things that happens sometimes, its something I look forward to and do purposefully. We talk about everything and anything, which is a great thing about having just met: we are completely new to each other. This means we aren't held down by the images that had been imposed on us, falsely or accurately, in the past. We say what is on our mind, share exactly how we feel. We talk. And this has made for some deep friendships, even in this short time.

8) People care about field hockey. No, we don't get the crowds that soccer does, but we do have a few dedicated fans. We get the same priority as other athletes. People ask about our games. When we jog off the field at half time or timeouts, someone is waiting with cool towels and a tray of gatorade cups. They take care of us.

9) I rock climb. A lot. Every single chance I get. I've climbed the wall, I've climbed real rock. I even recruited a group of fellow newbies to come with me. I want to take a technical rock climbing class. I'm pretty decent at it, and I love doing it.

10) I've found my favorite period of life so far: this one. I love college. A friend and I agreed that college was made for extroverts - so many new people to be friends with! Other than studies, we have no responsibilities, and an endless amount of opportunities are right in front of us. We can get into almost anything. And that's what I aim to do :)


1 comment:

  1. Mariah, I love this! And I can definitely relate to 6 and 7. :)
