Saturday, December 8, 2012

Taste This World

Taste this world, rub it on your face.
Bite into it like a slice of watermelon,
as juice dribbles down your chin.

Touch this world, put your fingerprints on it.
Stroke it softly like it’s a tiny kitten,
then roll in it like a loft full of hay.

Listen to this world, press your ear against its door.
Hear its tiny pitter-patters, its rambunctious roars,
heed its call, like the sea speaking through a shell.

Smell this world, bury your nose in its petals
Breathe in deep like you’re at a picnic
and there is bar-b-que on the grill.

Look at this world, peer into its depths.
Stare, mesmerized, as though you are a child
who is seeing his first firework show.

Don’t be afraid to dive in real deep,
Absorb all you can, myriad adventures await
if you’re brave enough to taste this world.

1 comment:

  1. When we are brave. We will accomplish much 'when we are brave' so then what are we waiting for? What keeps us from being brave? When will you taste the world you live in?
