Saturday, June 28, 2014

Embracing the Fall

Sometimes chaos reigns.

Sometimes everything you had planned gets blown away in the winds of a hurricane you did not see coming.

Sometimes you reach for something familiar and realize that its been replaced by something new.

The feeling that you are tossed by the waves of life with no control over where you are going is quite unsettling. Those ideas you had, that plan, that security net disappears and you're left wondering where  God is in this mess. Why does it sometimes feel like I've been pushed off a cliff without a parachute?

Some things are explainable, but many are not.

So I am learning to embrace the fall. I will look for branches to catch me. I will wave my arms like a lunatic to see if I grow wings. But if neither shows up, that is ok too.

I will spread my arms, breath in the rushing wind, and thank the Lord for whatever shows up at the bottom.